Thursday, 13 March 2014

Meandering musings of a motorcyclist

Well, it’s me again and I don’t really know where to begin. This time I’m in Pai, Thailand.   
How? You may ask?  Well it’s simple.  I rode here on a rented Honda CB500X. 
What? All the way from Melbourne?   No, put down your peace pipe Clancy.  I sat in a pressurised metal tube for umpteen hours, flew to Miri, Sarawak (a week long diversion in Sarawak and Kuala Lumpur with friends) and then solo on to Chiang Mai.

My nameless steed.  The Honda CB500X
It all began many moons ago.  You see, my interest in bikes didn’t spawn as a result of a parent or older sibling.  Growing up I was told that motorcycles are nasty things and you should never, ever get close to one lest it cut off your hand.  Good advice, so being a good boy I stayed well away.  As a kid I once watched this stupid low budget kids film called ‘The Dirtbike Kid’.  I’m going to blame that movie for all of this.  The story followed a young boy who found a poor unappreciated trail bike that it’s owner had let go due to its inability to finish races.  This boy took the bike home and when he cleaned it with some soap and water it magically repaired itself.  No dents, no rust!  Magic!  I can’t remember the storyline at all really.  Something about some baddies wanting the motorbike and hilariously over the top chases but what I do remember was that this boy and his motorbike could go anywhere. 

Later as I sat staring out the window of the family station wagon I imagined myself as the dirtbike kid.  I rode alongside that car and I ducked in and around trees and over hills to keep pace with the fast moving family car.  I wondered what it would be like to feel that sensation.  The interest spawned from there and as I grew up it migrated to a fascination of speed.  I had wanted a Suzuki Hayabusa just for the fact that at the time it was the fastest.  That ‘up there’ nothing could beat me… and although I never intend to ever ride something so silly the idea still carries forward.   
Today I rode from Mae Hong Son to Pai.  It was a relatively short ride of a few hours of beautiful winding roads and it occurred to me why I had originally wanted a motorcycle all those many years ago.  On a bike, you’re in a completely different place. I’m flying just a few feet from the road surface. I lean in for a banking corner and the bike follows suit.  Then smoothly it takes flight again as I roll the throttle open, straighten up and aim for the next apex.  Linking corners like a bird chasing the winds in the skies… and after a while I didn’t even notice the bike.  What I did, it did.  What it did, I did.  And then I realized that up in those hills today I WAS king of the skies.  Up there nothing could beat me…. Unless that guy I met around Fang (Thailand) last year showed up on his Ducati Monster.  Jerk.

Sleepy Pai
I’m not sure what tomorrow brings.  A quiet day in Pai or whether I will keep moving.  If I do decide to keep moving it will be my biggest ride day as I’ll be heading north and riding along the Myanmar border.  ….the roads although I know they exist they don’t show on my maps.  If that all works out I’ll be hitting Chiang Rai late in the evening where I know I’ll most definitely be staying a day or two before riding south for some of the roads around Nan.  The other possibility is I accidently overstep a borderline and find myself in a Burmese prison.  If the former is the case I can assure you my next entry to this blog will be far more exciting.


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